December 2, 2022
Karen Hedinger

"I learned more Spanish in the past 15 minutes than I've learned in the last two years!" This statement was made by a global worker in Mexico last month after CultureBound provided a culture and language workshop for his international team.
CultureBound trains global gospel workers going to new cultural contexts how to be relational and self-directed in learning the heart language of the people.
The story above is just one of several stories about the impact of CultureBound's language acquisition training. We're not just talking about American gospel workers. We have the privilege of training global gospel workers who are moving from the South and other regions of the world, settling in places where American workers often cannot go. These workers from around the world are unable to pay our training costs.
Would you be willing to be part of this global movement? Our goal is to send more gospel workers from around the world as ambassadors of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:16-21) in heart languages they are sent to. Consider giving to our matching campaign here or becoming a regular monthly donor here.
CultureBound training doesn't just apply in global situations. Consider this question: "How can I learn Spanish to be able to communicate with immigrants in my neighborhood?"
Gospel workers, and Jesus-followers in general, do not have to move to a new country to fulfill the Great Commission. People from around the world are moving into our neighborhoods here in the United States. There are many in the family of God who are helping immigrants and refugees formally and informally, introducing them to new ways of life while sharing about Jesus through actions and words.
CultureBound trains local church members how to be relational and self-directed in learning a language so they can communicate in the heart language of the people God has sent to them.
CultureBound regularly designs custom language training for those who desire to communicate on a conversational level with those whose native language is different from the national language. These people not only want to adjust to life in their new country, but they also remain in close communication with family back home.
Would you be willing to be part of a global movement in your own neighborhood?
You can contact us for custom culture and language training. You can also support language training for those who want to communicate with immigrants in their heart language. Consider giving to our matching campaign here or becoming a regular monthly donor here.
CultureBound is looking to expand our training! Consider this question: "Would you be able to help me communicate better in English?"
As we minister in an immigrant church community, we hear this all the time. Most immigrants who move into our neighborhoods have to begin working entry-level jobs with long hours throughout the week and weekend. Many are trying to work and raise children at the same time. Going to an English class is almost impossible, and often it is not the best way to learn.
The CultureBound team would like to take our uniquely relational and self-directed language acquisition training to the immigrant community so they can advance their language learning without having to take classes. We plan to beta-test this initiative in our own immigrant church and then expand it to other churches. To carry out this initiative, we need people to come alongside us and provide funding for us to design and begin this training.
Would you be willing to help immigrants improve their ability to speak English?
Consider giving to our matching campaign here or becoming a regular monthly donor here. We thank you for your participation and for taking an active role in the global church.
Karen Hedinger, EdD, is director of language acquisition program at CultureBound. Her experience learning several languages allows her to effectively lead and teach our language courses. Karen has led both culture and language training alongside her husband Mark for many years.