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A Glorious Conversation

May 7, 2024


If you think about how we converse with one another, it is such a magical act, one that transforms mere words into authentic connections and understanding.

Across cultures, amidst cultural and linguistic diversity, the desire for meaningful dialogue persists. Yet, fluency in vocabulary and idioms doesn’t guarantee mastery of dialogue.

A good conversation transcends linguistic competence; it demands relational knowledge, empathy, mindful listening, and a shared commitment to understanding. In this sense, conversation is a collaborative and complex endeavor – an exchange of thoughts, emotions, and experiences, which lead to building and nourishing human relationships.

As Christians, we're called to share the Gospel across linguistic and cultural barriers, cultivating empathy, and embracing understanding. We carry within us the most profound message humanity can ever receive. Amidst our daily interactions, can we truly engage those with differing worldviews and perspectives? A meaningful conversation leaves an indelible mark; thus, how do we impart a glimpse of God's truth in our exchanges with others? How can we have a transformative conversation with people that leads to Christ?

Here, Chris shares an insightful story of a good conversation. 


On this, our second outing, my new friend Santos* gave me some helpful feedback about our first outing. “It was great! We didn’t talk about politics or religion the whole time!”  

Inwardly, I chuckled just a little. We TOTALLY DID talk about those things. But we did it in a way that was so natural and non-threatening that he found our conversation helpful and enjoyable.

How was that possible?

Knowing that the Holy Spirit gives us words to speak and trusting that God prepares each moment, I used simple terms for our conversation about ordinary people who care for their communities and the beauty of relationship with God, instead of “politics and religion." Drawing on life experience and the principles of CultureBound training, I could build a bridge of words that Santos would find practical and encouraging, without evoking images of austere buildings or conflicting ideologies.

Knowing that the Holy Spirit gives us words to speak and trusting that God prepares each moment, I used simple terms for our conversation about ordinary people who care for their communities and the beauty of relationship with God, instead of “politics and religion."

Instead of a debate on politics and religion, we dove deeper than surface issues, down to more important questions such as, “Why are we here?” and “How can we live together in peace and for our common good?"

Santos intrinsically knows that he has been gifted life by the “The Universe,” and not just by chance. As a local business owner, he wants to see healthy community life among the people of his city.

It’s a start. We’ve been talking since then about good business practices and the like. CultureBound training has helped me get a foot in the door!  

We are laying a foundation for good relationship to speak from the heart with each other. And that is truly amazing, given that I am an outsider in his culture and we are speaking his native tongue (not mine!). 

Lord willing, one day we will talk late into the night, just like my favorite Teacher did on the rooftop with Nicodemus, who was also a leader in his community. It will be a glorious conversation…



*Not his real name

Chris (pseudonym for privacy) has served in South America and Europe for over twenty years in missions. He spent four years as a TCK in South America. He and his wife are currently working in Europe in a creative disciple-making role.



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