January 23, 2025
Mark Hedinger

There were a couple of slower, quieter weeks at the end of December. Do you remember them? I enjoyed a chance to catch my breath.
But those days are gone! Today’s blog is all about the CultureBound’s exciting and challenging 2025 schedule.
Culture and Language Learning
We have scheduled four culture-learning and four language acquisition courses for 2025. The first of those 8 scheduled courses is already over. It was an honor to prepare gospel workers on their way to Europe and South Asia with insights and skills for life and work in a culture different than their own.
Besides the scheduled courses, we have requests for custom courses. Sometimes the timing of our scheduled courses just doesn’t work for some reason. We are glad to find ways to adjust times and schedules! Right now we are working with a young woman in West Africa.
Chapter Training
March and May will be especially exciting for us. We will be preparing teaching teams from partnering organizations in East Africa and Central America. In these “CultureBound Chapters” we are multiplying our own training staff by working with the training staff of other organizations. It is a joy to watch one Mexican group already using CultureBound material in their cross-cultural ministry!
Bible Schools
Through connections we have had for years, we recently had the joy of teaching in a pastoral training program for a network of churches in South America. We are looking forward to working with those pastoral-candidates again in 2025 with a specific focus on missions.
We also are enjoying talking with local churches in the US and in other nations about our Bridges course. There are some predictable tension points for anyone in cross-cultural ministry. “Bridges” looks at some of the most common tensions and gives ideas about how to build bridges across those tensions.
We have the most important message in the world. It just makes sense that those who carry that message need to refine their skill and knowledge about how to deliver the message so it touches the heart of the people around them! CultureBound training in 2025 is all about equipping God’s people to make His message clear.
Let us know how we can help you, your mission, or your church to cross cultures and languages with that most important of all Messages!
Mark Hedinger, DIS, is Executive Director of CultureBound. Mark and his family spent 12 years living and teaching in Mexico. Since then, he has taught in many international locations and leads culture training programs at CultureBound. With his Spanish language background, he serves in a multicultural church in Portland, Oregon.