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What is CultureBound
A global training network of CultureBound, united in a common purpose of spreading the gospel across cultures. These Chapters, located in different regions of the world, will train trainers of mission agencies, churches, and schools using CultureBound's training materials and appraoches.
Chapters Training
Who are the Chapters
Our Chapters are mission agencies, churches, and schools that we have trained in the past, in places like Tanzania, Panama, and Baja California. They do not have all the resources and funds to train their own missionaries and reach the unreached in their regions. We are now working alongside with their trainers to develop their own training based on CultureBound’s A.S.K. (attitudes, skills, knowledge) and relational perspectives.
Chapters will be trained in
Biblical and theological foundations
Mission practice for missionary life and work
Culture learning and cultural adaptation
Second Language Acquisition
Education across cultures and across generations
Practical workshop to form a training program

Chapters Reports
Track along with CultureBound Chapters as we prepare Gospel workers from the nations, to the nations. Please contact us if you’d like to know more about any of these reports.
We would love to talk!

Why Chapters?
Why CultureBound is motivated to establish Chapters
For the past several years, CultureBound’s largest groups of trainees came from Majority World partners. Our training’s real impact is evident through our international partners, in addition to our efforts in mission sending and preparation from the US and other Western agencies.
CultureBound’s values (GRASP) build Chapters
The Bible repeatedly and clearly describes God’s heart for the nations until every tribe, tongue, nation and people have heard.
We prioritize relationships over theoretical approaches in our training. This emphasis enables us to leverage existing strong connections with international colleagues to expand and equip new trainers.
We are driven by a flexible approach to training methods and organizational structures, enabling us to adapt as needed.
We can offer our valuable training by multiplying trainers who are not financially tied to CultureBound. This allows CultureBound to be much more sustainable and train people through a decentralized network, apart from any CultureBound funding.
While we value academic programs that also are powerful for training global gospel workers, we see ourselves as offering practical, non-formal training to people. The Chapters model is practical from that perspective, and it allows for deeper study in academic settings for those who are so inclined.
Support Our Chapters
Local Churches and Other Organizations
If your church or organization would like to support CultureBound Chapters through long-term financial support, contact us to start a conversation. We also provide intercultural training tailored to the specific needs of your church or organization.
If you, as an individual, wish to contribute to this mission, you have the option to make a donation specifically designated to our Chapters. Additionally, we also encourage you to explore and take our available courses, including the CB+ series.
We are committed to establish, train, and support our Chapters to skillfully and relationally engage the heart and soul of the people they serve through fluency in their cultures and languages.
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